Your Onboarding Needs A Video Upgrade

Your Onboarding Needs A Video Upgrade

Your Onboarding Needs a Video Upgrade



While often overlooked, customer onboarding remains a crucial step in building better customer relationships and growing your revenue base.


One of the most effective ways of creating a welcome that provides a better experience and helps avoid churn is to leverage the power of video during the onboarding process. Across industries, sectors and processes, video is a powerful marketing tool. Research shows you will have greater success using an email with a video, than a text-only email — the open rates prove it. Video’s potential is limitless, so let’s explore how integrating video into your onboarding strategy will 10X its effectiveness and ROI.

“Hi! How can we help you?”

An onboarding video is often your first communication with a new customer. Instead of pushing pamphlets or generic FAQs– an impersonal process that sows confusion and pushes people away – personalized and interactive onboarding videos can help educate, inform, and active at the first touchpoint.
Onboarding videos work and are the beginning of a long customer relationship journey that consistently proves a high ROI – but why do they work?

The power of video meets the power of brand

Your onboarding process should be interactive, fun, organized and supportive. Video is a versatile medium that offers all those advantages. Let’s look at a few benefits of using personalized onboarding videos in your marketing plan.


Empower your customer 

Humans love learning, and the easier and more engaged we are when we do this, the better experience we have. With visuals and an easy-to-follow script, complex offerings are a breeze to understand with interactive personalized video. Your customer data can be used to personalize each video in a way to entice, engage, and entertain customers, enhancing the learning experience.  

 And when you strike the right tone with your customers from the get-go – that you have their best interests at heart– trust forms naturally. 


Create the best learning experience 

After deciding to give you their business, people want to feel you respect their time and intelligence.  

Video lends itself to building a robust content library that is always ready to be used. In a few clicks, a new customer can create their own learning flow according to their own needs, watching or re-watching onboarding videos on-demand, as well as finding new sources of information as your relationship evolves. 

By letting your people learn on their own time and at their own pace, using an engaging and accessible format, you empower them with all the information they need and show them a respect that increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. 


Bridge the gap between customer and employee 

Knowing where to find the exact information to answer their most pressing questions, means your customers aren’t reaching out to customer service as much.  

This reduces customer support calls and lets your service reps focus on more important areas that can help improve existing relationships. Whether personalizing messaging, respecting people’s time, or helping to tackle real issues, video bridges the gap between customers and employees.   


Measure engagement the right way 

Engagement during onboarding continues to be tricky to measure. Metrics like email open rates, for example, tell you nothing about watch time or information retention. 

Leading video platforms like IndiVideo, have built-in analytics that let you track views, watch time, retention rates,  actions while watching (e.g. clicking), and more. This gives you the high-level visibility you need to efficiently and accurately assess customer attention and measure success.    


Motivate, everywhere, all the time 

Because you can shape the content to fit any of your onboarding needs, a video can be made about practically anything. This means you can integrate personalized videos at multiple points, across multiple channels, at any part of the onboarding process.  

Need face-to-face training for new customers? Want to beef up your CTAs at the end of the onboarding journey? Video doesn’t just elevate your entire onboarding process; it gives you tactical control over the best ways to do so. You now have the power to engage and motivate in an interactive way that suits your brand.  


“To have and to hold”: onboard for life

Like any successful relationship, communication is key. Onboarding videos make customers feel like they have an open dialogue with your brand, which fosters a meaningful connection and a greater sense of satisfaction with your product, especially when you highlight your success stories. 

What matters most, ultimately, is that onboarding new clients with personalized videos makes your messaging stand out from the generic masses and bestows a human touch on your brand. 

Video isn’t just an easier way to introduce yourself, it’s also a warmer, more authentic one that lets customers always feel connected to you.  

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

Digital Experiences

Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling marketing tools that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

Strategy and Consulting

Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.

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