5 Ways to Use Personalized Video for Better Onboarding

5 Ways to Use Personalized Video for Better Onboarding

5 Ways to Use Personalized Video for Better Customer Onboarding


First impressions are crucial, making your customer onboarding strategy one of your most critical business decisions. How can you boost your chances of making a stellar first impression? Start with video! Videos engage customers more effectively than text and emails, simplifying complex information, enhancing engagement, and spurring action. When you use personalized video tailored to each customer’s preferences, you elevate your onboarding process to a new level. 

Let’s delve into the five major ways to upgrade your onboarding strategy with personalized video, after exploring how onboarding videos generally function and some proven methods for their deployment. 

Be a Jack of All Trades 

Onboarding videos are versatile tools, perfect for breaking down complex ideas to new clients who might be unfamiliar with your products or services. With clear, concise scripts and engaging visuals, onboarding videos can convert skeptics into believers—84% of consumers have purchased after watching a brand’s video. Personalized videos for onboarding can be used to: 

  • Explain a company’s product, service, brand, or message 
  • Educate new users 
  • Inspire and entice prospects to become customers 
  • Support, inform, and train customers to provide the best user experience for them 
  • Train new employees 
  • Attract new customers 
  • Up-sell and cross-sell existing customers 
  • Improve customer and employee retention 

How Does IndiVideo Love You? Let Me Count the Ways 

With IndiVideo, our one-stop video-shop platform, BlueRush has created personalized interactive video services for top brands across industries like banking, insurance, healthcare, real estate, telecoms, and utilities. Here’s how they’ve effectively used personalized video for onboarding: 

  1. Do more with how-to videos: Not just for YouTube or TikTok, these videos educate customers throughout their journey, providing the right information at the right time. 
  2. Reduce calls to customer support: A series of informative personalized videos can answer common questions, saving your team time and reducing the strain on your customer support.
  3. Free people to learn better: Giving customers and employees access to a content library empowers them to learn at their own pace, adapting to their schedules and learning speeds. 
  4. Put your best foot forward: Showcasing the real human beings behind your brand builds trust and loyalty, crucial in today’s impersonal market. 

Onto bigger and brighter things: Keep engaging even your longest-standing customers with videos that introduce them to new services and products, enhancing your chances to up-sell and cross-sell.

Eyeballs to Onboarding Customers, Action to Loyalty  

Customers are continually searching for information to inform their purchasing decisions. By incorporating interactive and personalized video into your customer onboarding process, you’re not just educating and engaging new users—you’re motivating them. Tailored messaging in these videos creates a welcoming atmosphere and a digital experience that fosters a mutually beneficial relationship built on authentic communication and trust.

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

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Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling marketing tools that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

Strategy and Consulting

Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.

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