The 5 Keys for Effective Personalized Marketing

The 5 Keys for Effective Personalized Marketing

The 5 Keys for Effective Personalized Marketing

You don’t need a degree in marketing to come to the conclusion, and you can’t argue with the numbers: 98% of marketers say personalization advances customer relationships.  Across industries and media, personalized marketing is growing in stature and prominence, and yet it’s still not without its roadblocks.
According to a survey of 190 marketers by marketing research firm Ascend2, 63% said personalization was difficult to execute, far more than any other marketing tactic. 
But that doesn’t mean personalization should be avoided. In fact, there are very clear and strong reasons for you to personalize your marketing strategy and a solid set of best practices have emerged. To help guide your move into personalization, here are 5 simple tips that you can build directly into a successful personalized campaign that outperforms your competitors. 

Tailor, swiftly 

Throw enough against the wall, some of it will stick, right?   Wrong.  When you’re marketing strategy tries to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. People want to be spoken to in a language they understand and about issues that are aligned with their interests and personally affect them. What grabs people’s attention and keeps them engaged is personalization, and the numbers prove it,
72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messaging.  
A one-size-fits-all approach to content doesn’t work anymore, so when dealing with a potentially heavily segmented audience, you need to find ways to connect with each of your customers. People pay attention when you’re talking about them, so your strategy should zoom in on a customer’s unique desires and needs, and then tailor the messaging to that, and the more tailored it is, the better chance you have of making a lasting impression.

Focus on the long game 

When 84% of consumers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to winning their business, you can see why personalized content is extremely effective at acquiring and onboarding new clients.
But even once onboarded, people can be fickle, especially when it comes to their purchasing decisions. Given the onslaught of messaging the average consumer is subjected to each day, it is no small wonder that loyalty is hard to come by. This is why you need to focus on the long game.  
When customers feel unappreciated, they are more likely to look to your competitors, so it’s important to always remind them why your brand has been their best option and will continue to be the best.
The goal here is to personalize the customer journey at every step along the way, making them feel cared for and keeping them consistently engaged with your brand. Each message that is personalized to who and where they are in their purchasing decision is another small part of the foundation you’re building to lifelong loyalty.

Invest in your 1st party customer data 

The best way to personalize your marketing is to know your customer, and the best way to know your customer is through data. Every one of your customers’ interactions produces a data point which, when woven together and analyzed, form a vivid tapestry of not just who they are, but a map of where you need to go.   Harness the power of your 1st party customer data by creating a database of your own to capture every detail, interaction, and sale you’ve ever had with a customer. Access to such rich and value-added information will help you predict their future purchasing behavior and identify marketing and sales opportunities.  More than that, when incorporated directly into your content, this data can help you continually customize your story so that it becomes even more aligned with your customer needs and outlook. As you iterate, this feedback loop continually refines your marketing strategy so that you can personalize the messaging in more relevant and sophisticated ways. 

Honest and relevant, not creepy 

Despite the persistence of high-profile corporate data leaks and security breaches
83% of consumers are still willing to share their data if it’s used to create a more a personalized experience.
This means customers are willing to trust you with their private information, as long as that trust isn’t abused.   As you build your marketing strategy, you’ll need to strike a balance between making your message personalized and relevant without overreaching. Your objective is not to hyper-target with creepy, overly personal messages, but to build a strong level of trust as you launch your personalized campaign. Avoid becoming creepy – no one likes a digital stalker.   
People want to know what you’re doing with their information and feel empowered with information and choice before handing it over. 
So before you implement any kind of personalized content, it’s important to follow some best practices: 
    • Make it clear why you are gathering the data 
    • Give the customer a choice to block data mining 
    • Explain the benefit of gathering data 
    • Present content that is relevant to the consumer 
Remember, honesty is the best policy. 
The best way to personalize your marketing is to know your customer, and the best way to know your customer is through data. 
Every one of your customers’ interactions produces a data point which, when woven together and analyzed, form a vivid tapestry of not just who they are, but a map of where you need to go.   Harness the power of your 1st party customer data by creating a database of your own to capture every detail, interaction, and sale you’ve ever had with a customer. Access to such rich and value-added information will help you predict their future purchasing behavior and identify marketing and sales opportunities.  More than that, when incorporated directly into your content, this data can help you continually customize your story so that it becomes even more aligned with your customer needs and outlook. As you iterate, this feedback loop continually refines your marketing strategy so that you can personalize the messaging in more relevant and sophisticated ways. 

Video, video, video 

We all know about the sheer quantity of video being produced and consumed for marketing purposes, but there is a very good reason: video continues to outperform all other methods of communication. And we only need a handful of stats to see this difference:  But how do you stand out from the countless generic marketing videos?   Rising above the chatter, personalized video is a medium with an incredible potential to effectively connect with your customers. When you combine the power of video with the power of personalization, you create content that is inherently more compelling to a viewer, meeting them in a medium they already prefer and with a tailored message they are primed to respond to.  

Personalized video: where it all comes together 

Let’s cut to the chase: personalization works. It works for customers, who not just prefer it, but expect it. It works for marketers, increasing customer engagement and maximizing ROI. It works for business, boosting brand awareness and fostering long-term loyalty. 
Rarely does a single marketing effort achieve such net positive effect across the board, starting from an individual piece of content all the way to long-term profitability.  
And when you bring personalization into a preferred customer medium – video – that supplies you with a rich stream of data, you’re effectively amplifying your marketing strategy to maximize ROI and convert in the digital channel.  Delivering personalized content – especially personalized video – that caters to every individual customer will have you standing out from the endless barrage of bland and generic messages, where your voice can finally ring out clearer than your competitors.