Interactive Video for the Real Estate Industry

Interactive Video for the Real Estate Industry

Personalized Video for Real Estate



Real-Time Interactive Personalized Video

It’s the hottest real estate market in history, but agents face unprecedented challenges.

Almost overnight, pandemic forced the industry to shift to virtual tours and digital open houses to ensure safety. Agents had to scramble to keep up with a rapidly evolving and low-inventory market, quickly providing prospects with the key listing details to make the sale in the vital moments when buying decisions are being made.

Successful real estate agents are embracing innovation to encourage engagement and activity in this new reality and to build powerful 1:1 connections with the skyrocketing number of potential buyers.

Interactive personalized video for the real estate industry is helping real estate agents generate excitement around new listings, better engage prospective buyers and stand out from the competition. By using data-driven personalization and interactivity, IPV promotes confident, informed decisions in the minutes that matter — without even stepping foot on the property.


Create Personalized Video Listings

Reaching prospective buyers in a compelling way in the digital channel is crucial. Data-driven IPV (Interactive Personalized Video) empowers agents, letting them build highly-personalized listings to better compete in the new digital landscape — whether for residential and commercial properties.

Using the IndiVideo platform, listings give buyers a more complete picture of the property, highlighting all the key data points and providing important contextual details and neighborhood statistics that might be overlooked. Able to be shared directly with prospective buyers, existing clients or across social channels, the IndiVideo personalized video listing provides an interactive call to action to view the listing, contact the agents or book a showing.

Build 1:1 Connections at Scale

IPV lets you reach out to prospective buyers – at scale – without losing a personal human touch. Make a more powerful and compelling call to action with a short, personalized message and using our After Effects plug-in to “wow” prospects.

Personalized videos can also help prospects understand the market conditions they face, demonstrating the firm or agent’s thought leadership and building interest and loyalty. In today’s market, time is of the essence. IndiVideo makes it easy, so you can reach potential buyers and make a great impact as fast as possible.

Watch The Power of IndiVideo

The core purpose of IndiVideo is to equip marketing and sales teams with the ability to create and send personalized videos quickly and easily at scale.

Easy to produce, eye-catching and informative, interactive personalized video is at the heart of a frictionless digital journey and a lifelong relationship between lenders and borrowers.

Leading brands in banking, insurance, real estate, and other industries are using IndiVideo to reach new customers, manage key moments in their customer journey, and always ensure they stay one step ahead of the competition.

Leading global organizations are leveraging our interactive personalized video platform, IndiVideo, to transform the digital customer experience and drive significant ROI.

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

Digital Experiences

Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling marketing tools that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

Strategy and Consulting

Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.

Start Your Journey