Video For Sales: 3 Use Cases To Convert Prospects

Video For Sales: 3 Use Cases To Convert Prospects

Getting Started With Personalized Video For Sales: 3 Use Cases To Boost Your Results

At BlueRush, we walk the walk. Our own sales team uses our new IndiVideo for Sales to spread the word about our products and services — and they’re getting amazing results. By switching to this tool, BlueRush and our customers have observed:

+23% lead conversion

+10% booked meetings

+5x sales

And, with IndiVideo’s ready-to-use video templates, plus our new self-record feature to introduce and close a video, you too can get results like these.

Here are 3 ways your sales team can use personalized video throughout the buyer journey to engage more prospects and close more deals.

1. Develop Qualified prospects

A HubSpot study found that prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales process, with 42% of salespeople stating this, versus 36% who stated closing and 22% who stated qualifying. You can help your team overcome this hurdle with IndiVideo for Sales.

In the fall of 2022, we started using IndiVideo for Sales to deploy a personalized video to all visitors who came our site and submitted an online form. This one-to-one message has helped us shift more prospects from top of the funnel to mid-funnel, with a 23% increase in MQL to SQL conversion. That has translated into a 10% increase in booked meetings, which can be the toughest challenge in the sales journey.

2. Engage Prospects

Effective and timely follow-up is critical to moving the prospect through the sales funnel. Because IndiVideo makes it so easy for your entire sales team to create motivating video messages with no specialized training, it’s easy to stay in touch with your prospects with informative, actionable, engaging information.

We use a series of IndiVideos to engage prospects and encourage them to progress through the sales funnel. For example, a pre-demo discovery video poses a series of interactive questions, which helps the salesperson create a more effective meeting by tailoring it to the prospective client’s needs.

We saw an 88% lift in interactivity engagement amongst those who received the questionnaire via video, compared to those who received it in a traditional email format.

Moreover, a meeting reminder, sent out two hours prior to the scheduled meeting, ensures a 96% meeting attendance rate. That’s gold star performance! If a prospect misses or cancels a meeting, we send a personalized video to reschedule. This diligence is paying off, with a 98% increase in rescheduled meetings.

A post-meeting follow-up video summarizes the discussion in an ultra-personalized format and provides next steps. We’re finding that 94% of viewers watch the entire video.

3. Closing the Deal

When all the details are worked out, a personalized video proposal is deployed to complete the contract. This format has resulted in a 5x lift in sales — a remarkable achievement that yields maximum results, with minimum additional effort on the part of our sales team.

When all the details are worked out, a personalized video proposal is deployed to complete the contract. The BlueRush sales team has seen a marked improvement in our closing rates, and so have the sales teams of our customers. One personalized video we produced for an insurance company resulted in a 5x lift in sales in just 3 weeks — a remarkable achievement that required minimum additional effort on the part of their sales team.


IndiVideo for Sales comes ready-to-use, with the option to customize it to your brand standards. It requires little training, so everyone on your sales team can be ready to roll with little ramp-up time.

We also provide a full range of support materials and resources to help you build and deploy effective personalized videos so you, too, get great results shortening your sales journey, converting more leads, and closing more deals.

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers, clients or prospects to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

Digital Experiences

Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling digital solutions that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

Strategy & Consulting

Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.