7 Ways Personalized Videos Can be Used to Increase Engagement

7 Ways Personalized Videos Can be Used to Increase Engagement

7 Ways Personalized Videos Can be Used to Increase Engagement

The average person spends almost seven hours a week watching videos online. That’s a significant chunk of time and attention. So it’s not entirely surprising to learn that businesses who use video content to market their products and services see their revenue grow almost 50% faster than those who don’t. But not all video is created equal. A personalized, targeted approach may bring about better results. The vast majority of consumers are more willing to shop with brands that provide customized offers and personally relevant recommendations.

Personalized interactive video marketing is proven to increase conversions, sales, and customer engagement. But even as video marketing grows in popularity, it doesn’t mean personalized videos will work in the way same for every company. The point is to increase customer engagement by building relationships and creating excitement.

Here are seven different ways you can use personalized videos to increase engagement.


1. Personalized Offers

The power of personalization cannot be ignored. Videos that offer personalized recommendations tailored for the specific recipient, deals, or discounts are a great way to engage repeat customers. 91% of consumers say they’re more likely to shop with companies who provide special offers or recommendations particular to their own interests. Specific and effective, personalized offers net a high rate of consumer response.

2. Explanations

Video is the number one avenue people use when searching for information. 66% of internet users look for video explanations first, before trying other methods. Help your customers learn about your product or navigate your service with a brief explainer video. Tailored to your brand, these videos are a great way to demonstrate your unique appeal.


3. Case Studies

Show your success with a case study. Give potential clients a chance to see your company’s skills in action. Not only will it drive interest in your solutions, but it’s also a solid way to build credibility. Third-party validation showcases your achievements and provides customers with reassurance that you’re worthy of trust.

4. Thank Yous

Your customers chose you: appreciate them. Make them feel valued by recognizing that appreciation in video form. It could be as simple as a short video clip after a purchase. When individualized – with the customer’s name, for instance, or suggested use for the purchase – a simple thank you becomes extra-special. Appreciated customers are satisfied customers who go on to become great brand ambassadors.

5. Enhance Your Website

Drive traffic to your website with interactive videos. Strong digital assets attract views, and the results are unmistakable. IndiVideo has lifted page conversions up 40%. 86% of BlueRush clients who experimented with video marketing saw an immediate rise in website traffic and 83% also said the average time visitors spent per page increased as well. Once you have their attention, personalized videos on landing pages and microsites are an excellent way to tailor your information to a specific purpose.

6. Social Media Campaigns

Social media has a constantly growing appetite for video content. More than half of Instagram users buy products from videos. Over 80% of Twitter users watch videos on the platform. Facebook shows videos to 500 million people daily. YouTube plays nearly five billion videos every single day. Those numbers speak for themselves. Almost all platforms make it easy to access unique video experiences, so add a customized video to your next campaign.

7. Email Marketing Campaigns

Today’s consumers are bombarded with emails and newsletters. Out of sheer necessity, they scan rather than read, determining relevance at a glance. Personalized details, however, breakthrough. Grab your readers’ attention with individual details, and build trust by providing only relevant, targeted information in video format. Your customers will appreciate it.

Video: https://individeo.com/individeo/preview/7VnkdSJTsKaTbKErw-733/?lang=en-CA&ivuci=8 

Customized online content continues to grow. Personalized video is a successful way to capture attention, educate your audience, and grow your customer base while adding an exclusive signature touch to your brand.

At Blue Rush, we create engaging, educational, and empowering video experiences. We are experts at digital tools and our IndiVideo team can help you build trust and confidence in your customer relationships.


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Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

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