Interactive Video for the Healthcare Industry

Interactive Video for the Healthcare Industry

Personalized Video for Healthcare


Real-Time Interactive Video for the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is in the midst of change. As policies get more complex and patients expect increasingly personalized solutions, Interactive personalized video (IPV) is crucial to providing comprehensive information they can understand.

Interactive video for the healthcare industry doesn’t just provide information – it is an essential communication tool that simplifies complex processes, increases engagement, and transforms the digital customer experience at each stage of the healthcare member’s journey.


Real-Time Interactive Video for the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is in the midst of change. As policies get more complex and patients expect increasingly personalized solutions, Interactive personalized video (IPV) is crucial to providing comprehensive information they can understand.

Interactive video for the healthcare industry doesn’t just provide information – it is an essential communication tool that simplifies complex processes, increases engagement, and transforms the digital customer experience at each stage of the healthcare member’s journey.


Create a Seamless Enrollment and Onboarding Experience

Interactive personalized video enables new clients to identify the best plan for their unique situation and simplify the onboarding process.

Enrollment: Provide customers with all the information they need to make an informed decision online, increase digital enrollments, and, reduce calls to your customer support team when using data-driven personalized video.

Onboarding: Create truly personalized experiences that help new members make the most of the plan they have selected. Reduce new member care costs by ensuring customers understand each part of the process.


Simplify Explanation of Benefits

Reduce churn and increase customer satisfaction with data-driven interactive personalized video.

Statements: Enhance traditional statements with data-driven personalized video that simplifies complex information and increases customer satisfaction by up to 90%.

Member Experience: Anticipate common questions and provide essential information at educational and discovery moments to ensure exceptional customer experience at every stage in the journey.


Remove Anxiety from the Claims Process

Deliver personalized customer experiences that use visual storytelling and interactivity to help your customers easily navigate the claims process.

Claims Process: Reduce stress and confusion in the healthcare claims process by using interactive personalized video to guide members through each step.

Loyalty: When you empower your members by ensuring they are confident in each stage of their journey, loyalty comes naturally. And this confidence leads to members better understanding how to get the most out of their plan to live a happier, healthier life. It’s a win-win.


Watch The Power of IndiVideo

The core purpose of IndiVideo is to equip marketing and sales teams with the ability to create and send personalized videos quickly and easily at scale.

Easy to produce, eye-catching and informative, interactive personalized video is at the heart of a frictionless digital journey and a lifelong relationship between lenders and borrowers.

Leading brands in banking, insurance, real estate, and other industries are using IndiVideo to reach new customers, manage key moments in their customer journey, and always ensure they stay one step ahead of the competition.

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

Digital Experiences

Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling marketing tools that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

Strategy and Consulting

Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.

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